Hydration Myth

One of the things we enjoy doing is hiking and also going out into the Southern California desert. Its beautiful but it can get hot and unlike the humidity of Florida where we grew up the dry heat leads to dehydration quite quickly. I have to be very careful to make sure I bring plenty of water along. That is a good idea anyway but for Ostomates its essential.

One things I do is wear what is often called a camel back. Its a mini backpack with a bladder in it that allows you to drink easily without having to carry a water bottle. BUT even if you don’t carry a backpack like this make sure you carry something with plenty of water.

This is the one I use. Its the Mubasel Gear Insulated Hydration Backpack Pack, but I’m sure there are plenty of other ones that work just as well. the point is just make sure you take plenty of water with you.

Check out https://girlswithguts.org/. That is where I found that great graphic. My Ostomy Life is reader-supported. When you buy through one of our links I may earn a commission at no cost to you. It helps me afford supplies.

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