Ostomy Self Management Checklist

As the proud owner of an ostomy there are certain things we have to do that our friends and family do not. The United Ostomy Associations of America put together this handy checklist of things to remember. I think its a fantastic list and wanted to share it with you.


  • Are you able to ambulate/ self-propel to the bathroom to empty your pouch?
  • Are you able to adjust your clothing before and after pouch emptying?
  • Are you able to empty your pouch, clean the end and reseal it?
  • Do you remember to empty your pouch on a regular basis?
  • Are you experiencing leaks related to your pouch emptying schedule?
  • Are you able to empty your pouch at night?
  • Urostomy- Can you change from daytime drainage system to nighttime drainage system?


  • Are you able to gather your supplies and change your appliance on a regular schedule and maintain a functional wear time (3-4 days)?
  • Are you able to observe your peristomal skin at your appliance change to determine if the area is intact?
  • If your skin is not intact at appliance change, are you able to manage minor skin problems?
  • Are you able to observe your stoma at your appliance change to determine any changes and to aid in aligning the appliance over your stoma?


  • Can you identify and problem solve leak problems?
  • Do you know when you need to seek medical assistance and how to access this care? (Signs and symptoms of blockage, severe skin problems, dehydration, infection, constipation)


  • Do you maintain a list of supplies (include supplier name and contact number, product manufacturer, reference number and amount ordered monthly)? UOAA has a handy supply checklist that you can use for this purpose.
  • Do you have automatic reorder set up with supplier or a system to remind you to reorder?
  • Does your Primary Care Provider have an up-to-date supply list in your medical record?
  • Are you able to self-advocate for supply problems?
  • Are you able to store your supplies in a temperature neutral place away from excessive heat or cold?


  • Ileostomy: Do you know how to maintain adequate hydration and electrolyte balance? Do you know how to avoid foods which may cause blockage?
  • Urostomy: Do you maintain adequate hydration?
  • Colostomy: Do you maintain adequate hydration and diet to avoid constipation?

For more ostomy resources visit UOAA’s website: https://ostomy.org
© 2022 UOAA. All Rights Reserved.

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