Colorectal Cancer Survivor Stories : MaryJane

My friend Dana Branch Vinci and her friend Beth Huck run a great podcast called the WTFortyish and they were nice enough to have me on to discuss this very important topic. My hope is by bringing attention to this cancer we get more people to watch for warning signs and go get their screening done early.

Two years ago I went in for my first colonoscopy and left that day with the knowledge that I likely had colorectal cancerâť— I had no obvious signs or symptoms. I wasn’t even really sure what cancer of the colon was. I had heard of it of course but that was it, I really did not know what was involved nor did know if it was treatable, or how it would be treated if it could be. I also did not know if I would be one of the many many colorectal cancer survivor stories.

It’s been two years since that first day and one year this month since my final surgery. I am happy to say that I am alive and able to tell my story. I did have to have a colostomy and APR surgery but I’m alive and ultimately that is what is most important.

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