Surgery Day

This was the original announcement to the world that I was going to have surgery and wind up with a colostomy. It was a hard thing for me to come to grips with but there was no changing the way my life was going so I decided to embrace it.

From the video:

“I really didn’t want to say anything about this. Its so personal and it seems embarrassing but at some point I just came to grips with the fact that this is who I am now. I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not a different person. My body will just work in a different way. There is no reason to stigmatize it and in-fact I wanted to help normalize it. Millions of people around the world have this. Cancer is one cause but so is diverticulitis, IBD and other reasons. Its livable and in fact other than some changes to my daily routine I will have a nice long and rich life. There isn’t anything I will not be able to do as a result of this surgery. I’m still young…never thought id think 51 is young..and in good health. So this will not change that So that’s it. That’s my news. Not the news I wanted but its the news I have and life goes on…. In fact that’s the message. MY LIFE GOES ON. Considering the alternative I choose living.”

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