Living with an Ostomy: Tips for Everyday Life

Hi there,

At first, adjusting to life with an ostomy may feel insurmountable, but believe me when I tell you that you are not alone on this journey. Living with an ostomy will eventually become second nature to you, but it will take some time and some education to get there. In this article, I want to share some useful advice and suggestions that will assist you in adjusting to your new normal, whether that involves taking care of your stoma or getting back to the activities that you enjoy doing the most. Let’s dive in!

Learn for yourself, because information is the key to power.

When it comes to coping with an ostomy, having accurate information is your best weapon. Whether you have a colostomy, ileostomy, or urostomy, it is important that you spend some time learning about your particular type of ostomy. If you are able to gain an understanding of how your ostomy works and what to anticipate, you will be in a better position to confidently care for it.

Collaborate with your medical team because they are there to support you.

On this path, your medical team is by your side as your partner. When it is necessary, don’t be afraid to question them or seek their guidance by asking questions. They will walk you through the steps involved in changing your ostomy bag, taking care of your stoma, and addressing any concerns that may come up during the process.

Maintaining the Health of Your Stoma Is Essential to Your Comfort

Stoma care is extremely important to ensure your comfort and overall health and well-being. To avoid skin irritation, make sure the area around your stoma is kept clean and dry at all times. When you are cleaning, be careful not to cause any damage, and steer clear of products that contain alcohol or harsh chemicals.

Finding the Appropriate Ostomy Supplies and Adapting to Your Comfort Needs

Because of the unique needs of each ostomate, selecting the appropriate ostomy supplies can make all the difference in the world. You should try out a variety of different pouches and accessories before settling on the one that serves your needs the best. Because so many businesses provide free trials, you shouldn’t be afraid to try out a variety of products.

Check HERE for some of the supplies I use

Accepting Yourself and Your Body With Confidence and Discretion

Keep in mind that your ostomy is a tool that can save your life, even though it’s natural for you to feel self-conscious about it at first. As your familiarity with it increases, you’ll discover ways to accessorize and dress yourself that will help you feel proud and secure in your identity. You may find that using ostomy wraps, ostomy-specific underwear, and clothing with discreet patterns helps you feel more at ease.

Be sure to drink plenty of water; it’s your best ally.

Maintaining proper hydration is essential for everyone, but it is particularly important for people who have ostomies. Consuming a lot of water helps maintain the health of both your stoma and your digestive system. It also helps prevent dehydration, which can lead to output that is more thick and sticky.

Discovering What Works for You When It Comes to Balancing Your Diet

In order to keep one’s health in good standing, it is necessary to consume food that is nutritionally complete. Although the output from your ostomy could be affected by certain foods, it is essential to pay attention to your body and figure out what works best for you. Keeping a food journal can assist you in determining which foods should be included in your diet and which should be excluded from it.

To return to the activities at hand: You Are Capable!

Don’t let having an ostomy stop you from participating in the things you enjoy doing. Ostomates often lead lives that are full of adventure and activity, whether it be through dancing, hiking, or swimming. Be conscious of the requirements of your body and make adjustments as required, but don’t let that stop you from pursuing the things that truly excite you.

Having Peace of Mind While Traveling: Always Be Prepared

It is not impossible to go on vacation even if you have an ostomy, although the preparation will take a little bit more time. In case of an emergency, you should bring an extra set of ostomy supplies, do some research on the restrooms at your destination, and bring a change of clothes. You can travel anywhere in the world with self-assurance if you put in the necessary preparation.

Connect with Caring Communities and Understand That You Are Never Alone

Connecting with communities that provide emotional support can make it easier to manage the challenges of ostomy care. Joining local support groups or participating in online forums is a great way to meet other people living with ostomies, share your experiences, and learn from others.

Embrace life with your ostomy

Keep in mind that you are strong and capable of adapting to your new normal as you navigate life with an ostomy. If you give yourself enough time and practice, managing your ostomy and taking care of your stoma will become second nature to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from the people on your medical team as well as from other ostomates. Embrace your physicality, pursue the things that excite you the most, and never forget that you have a community of fellow fighters rooting for you every step of the way. Even though you have an ostomy, your life is still full of opportunities and experiences waiting to be had, so get out there and make the most of it!

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