
I’m MaryJane and at 50 I had my very first colonoscopy. Yay! one of the perks of hitting the big FIVE OH. Because luck was not in my favor that day they found what turned out to be colorectal cancer.

Four months of chemotherapy, 6 weeks of daily radiation and two surgeries later I become an unwilling member of the ostomy club.

Did I want to be part of this club? NO! I did not. But I did want to live so given the alternative I am now an “ostomate” to millions of people around the world.

If you are like me you may be scared, or you may not know much about the process, or what life will be like, etc. All kinds of questions ran through my head and to be honest I didn’t find as many answers from real people as I would have liked. That is what I started this blog. To take some of the mystery out of the whole thing and maybe give you some real world experience and advice if I can.

So take a look through the this site. We will talk about all kinds of subjects pertaining to

  • colostomy
  • ileostomy
  • ostomy supplies
  • ostomy care
  • diet
  • etc.

Maybe you are one of our newest ostomates or maybe its on the horizon either way we welcome you. I hope you find some answers here.

Drop me a line if you have any questions and if I can answer them I will.

Thank you and I look forward to your stories,